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- (A) Design standards. Except as otherwise provided for herein, all off-street parking facilities shall conform to the following design standards:PARKING LOT DIMENSIONS TABLE*Angle of ParkingStall WidthCurb Length Per CarStall DepthAisle Width0º10'0"23'010'0"12'0"20º10'0"29'3"15'11"11'0"30º10'0"20'018'3"11'0"40º10'0"15'8"19'11"12'0"45º10'0"14'2"20'6"13'0"50º10'0"13'221'0"12'0"60º10'0"11'621'6"18'0"70º10'0"10'821'3"18'0"80º10'0"10'3"20'6"24'0"90º10'0"10'0"20'0"24'0"* This table pertains to a wall to wall situation. In calculating dimensions, 2 feet may be subtracted from each stall depth for each overhang and overlap. No subtraction for overlap is allowed for angles greater than 60 degrees.PARKING AREA AND DRIVE SETBACKS TABLEDimensionLand UseSetbackFront yard and side yard abutting a street setback of parking and drive to lot line**All residential districts30 feetB-1 District5 feet20 feet if abutting a residential districtB-2 District15 feet20 feet if abutting a residential districtIndustrial District15 feet20 feet if abutting a residential districtInterior side and rear yard setback of parking and drive to lot line**All residential districts5 feetAll commercial districts5 feetIndustrial district5 feet** Joint or combined parking facilities on separate lots as authorized and when constructed adjacent to a common lot line separating 2 or more parking areas are not required to observe the parking area setback from such common lot line. For commercial and industrial uses, side and rear yard setbacks shall be increased to front yard setback requirements when such side or rear yard abuts an R District.(B) Parking space size. Except as may be specifically provided herein, parking space shall be not less than 9 (10) feet wide and 20 feet in length exclusive of snow storage and access aisles, and each space shall be served by access aisles as required by this chapter.(C) Within structures. The off-street parking requirements may be furnished by providing a space so designed within the principal building or detached accessory structure.(D) Circulation.(1) Except in the case of single-family, two-family, and townhouse dwellings, access and parking areas shall be designed so that circulation between parking bays or aisles occurs within the designated parking lot and does not depend upon a public street or alley.(2) Except in the case of single-family, two-family, and townhouse dwellings, access and parking area design which requires backing into the public street is prohibited.(E) Compliance. Except in the case of single-family, two-family, and townhouse dwellings, parking areas and their aisles shall be developed in compliance with the standards outlined in this chapter. Except as may be required or exempted by the City Engineer, drive aisles and parking stalls shall be constructed in accordance with the following minimum tonnage standards:(1) One and one-half-inch wear course.(2) Two-inch base course.(3) Six-inch aggregate base (class 5).(4) Subgrade subject to City Engineer’s approval.(F) Curb cut width.(1) No driveway curb cut access shall exceed 24 feet in width unless approved by the City Engineer.(2) Property access over a surmountable curb shall be limited to the area of the designated, paved driveway.(G) Grade elevation.(1) Parking spaces and areas. The grade elevation of any parking area shall not exceed 5%, except as approved by the City Engineer.(2) Driveways. Unless approved by the City Engineer, the grade elevation of any driveway shall not exceed:(a) 10% for single-family, two-family, and townhouse dwellings.(b) 5% for all other uses.(H) Surfacing.(1) All areas intended to be utilized for parking space and driveways shall be surfaced with materials suitable to control dust and drainage.(2) All driveways and parking stalls shall be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, cobblestone, or paving brick, except for those uses specifically exempted below:(a) Farm dwellings and farm operations.(b) Single-family uses located within A-1 Agricultural and RR Rural Residential Zoning Districts.(c) Parking and storage areas in the I-1 Light Industrial District, provided the parking lot or storage area is not adjacent to a street right-of-way, the parking lot or storage area is located in the rear yard, and the parking lot or storage area is not intended for use by employee or customer parking.(3) Plans for surfacing and drainage of driveways and stalls for 5 or more vehicles shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and the final plans shall be subject to the Engineer’s written approval.(4) Legal nonconforming driveways and parking area surfaces existing on June 7, 2011, shall be brought into compliance with this chapter at the time of any improvement that intensifies the use of the parking area or driveway.(I) Striping. Except for single-family, two-family, and townhouse dwellings, all parking areas of 5 spaces or more shall be marked with white or yellow painted lines not less than 4 inches wide according to the approved plan.(J) Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate an off-street parking area shall be hooded and so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining property, abutting residential uses and public rights-of-way and shall be in compliance with § 205.11 (Exterior Lighting) of this title.(K) Pedestrian provision. All off-street parking areas shall be designed with due regard to pedestrian circulation. Off-street parking areas shall be designed such that vehicle and pedestrian circulation is accommodated in a safe, complementary, and orderly fashion. When curb separated sidewalks are provided at the head of parking stalls, the minimum width shall be 5 feet.(L) Curbing and landscaping. Except for single-family, two-family, and townhouse dwellings, all open off-street parking shall have a perimeter continuous concrete curb around the entire parking lot. Said curb shall be subject to the parking area and drive setbacks table in section 210.05(A) (Stall, Aisle, and Driveway Design) of this title. Additional setback may be required to accommodate landscaping which shall be provided in all areas bordering the parking area as specified by Chapter 213 (Fences, Screening, and Landscaping) of this title.(M) Required screening. All open, nonresidential off-street parking areas of 5 or more spaces shall be screened and buffered from abutting or surrounding residential districts in compliance with Chapter 213 (Fences, Screening, and Landscaping Requirements) of this title.(N) Parking lot landscaping.(1) All exposed parking areas of 5 or more required spaces shall be landscaped on all sides in compliance with Chapter 213 (Fences, Screening, and Landscaping Requirements) of this title.(2) Within off-street parking facilities for commercial uses of 50 or more stalls, irrigated landscaped islands shall be provided within the perimeter of the parking area at a rate of 100 square feet per 25 surface stalls or fraction thereof. For the purposes of this section, all landscaped islands shall be required to consist of a minimum of 100 square feet of landscape surface area. Such islands shall be contained within raised, curbed beds consistent with other applicable parking lot construction requirements of this chapter, unless exempted by the Cty Engineer for storm water management purposes. It is not the intent of this section to relieve a project of the installation of islands that are necessary to promote the safe and efficient flow of traffic, regardless of parking lot size.(3) No landscaping or screening shall interfere with drive or pedestrian visibility for vehicle entering, circulating, or exiting the premises.(O) Compact car spaces. Up to 20% of the parking spaces in a parking lot may be permanently marked for compact cars only, provided that:(1) The parking lot contains 80 or more off-street parking spaces.(2) All compact car spaces are a minimum of 8 feet in width and 16 feet in length.(3) Signs and markings, as approved by the city, are placed and maintained in each compact car space.(4) All required off-street parking aisle widths are maintained.(5) The compact car stalls shall not displace preferred disability accessible parking stall locations.(6) The design, layout, and location of designated compact car spaces shall not be located in immediate proximity to building entrances, shall not encourage utilization by oversized vehicles, and shall be subject to approval by the City Council as part of the site plan review.(P) Cart storage. Retail commercial uses shall be required to provide ample space for the storage of customer service carts within off-street parking areas, subject to the approval of the City Council. The need and specific amount of required cart storage space shall be determined as part of site plan review. When required, cart storage areas shall not occupy required off-street parking space, shall be clearly delineated, and shall include facilities for cart confinement.(Ord. 2011-06-07A, passed 6-7-2011)