(1) The city shall be responsible enforcing this chapter.
(2) Any person, firm, or corporation failing to comply with or violating any of these regulations, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. All land use and building permits must be suspended until the developer has corrected the violation.
(3) Each day that a separate violation exists shall constitute a separate offense.
(B) Right of entry and inspection. The applicant shall allow the city and their authorized representatives, upon presentation of credentials to:
(1) Enter upon the permitted site for the purpose of obtaining information, examination of records, or conducting investigations or surveys;
(2) Bring equipment upon the permitted development as is necessary to conduct surveys and investigations;
(3) Examine and copy any books, papers, records, or memoranda pertaining to activities or records required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permitted site;
(4) Inspect the stormwater pollution control measures required by the city; and
(5) Sample and monitor any items or activities pertaining to any existing easements, covenants, or deed restrictions. However, where this chapter imposes greater restrictions, the provisions of this chapter shall prevail. All other ordinances inconsistent with this chapter are hereby repealed to the extent of the inconsistency only.
(Ord. 2011-06-07A, passed 6-7-2011)
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