In addition to other uses specifically identified elsewhere in this title, the following are permitted uses in the B-2 Highway Business District.
(B) Appliance store, sales and storage.
(D) Auto parts and accessory sales including outdoor display of auto accessories provided that such outdoor display or storage is separated from abutting development by ornamental fencing or screen planting.
(F) Beauty or barbershop.
(H) Blueprinting, photostatting, and lithographing.
(I) Bowling alley and billiard parlor.
(J) Bus, railway, or airline depot or ticket office.
(K) Catalog service and mail order house.
(M) Dairy products store.
(V) Food locker plant: a food locker plant renting only individual lockers for home customer storage of food, including sale or retail, delivery of individual home orders and the cutting and packaging of meats or game but not including slaughtering or eviscerating thereof.
(Y) Governmental and public utility buildings and structures.
(BB) Halls; rented for meetings, conventions, or social gatherings.
(DD) Health equipment and supply store.
(EE) Hotel, motel, or tourist home.
(HH) Laboratory; scientific and testing.
(KK) Liquor store (off-sale).
(MM) Medical facilities including clinics, appliances, sales and fittings.
(PP) Paint and wallpaper store.
(QQ) Painting and decorating contractor.
(TT) Photographic studio, picture processing, or equipment.
(VV) Plumbing contractor.
(WW) Powersport vehicle store.
(XX) Printing, publishing, and allied industries.
(YY) Radio and television broadcasting (including transmitter and studios).
(ZZ) Restaurant cocktails lounges and other eating and drinking establishments.
(FFF) Upholstery shop of any type.
(HHH) Adult establishments, subject to the requirements of Chapter 114 of the City Code. (Ord. 2011-06-07A, passed 6-7-2011; Am. Ord. 2012-09-04A, passed 9-4-2012)