In addition to other uses specifically identified elsewhere in this title, the following are conditional uses allowed in the R-2 Suburban Single-Family Residential District by the issuance of a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 196 (Conditional Use Permits) of this title.
(A) Amateur radio service antennas and towers, single satellite dish TVRO’s greater than 1 meter and less than 3 meters in diameter and personal wireless service antennas as regulated by Chapter 214 (Towers, Antennas, and Telecommunication Facilities) of this title.
(B) Bed and breakfast establishments, as regulated by § 205.20(B) (Specialized Housing) of this title.
(C) Daycare facilities as a principal or an accessory use, except as provided for by this chapter, provided that the use complies with the provisions of § 205.21 (Daycare Facilities) of this title.
(D) Essential services involving transmission pipelines (i.e., pipelines not required for local distributing network), and overhead transmission and substation lines in excess of 33 kV and up to 100 kV, as regulated by § 205.05 (Essential Services) of this title.
(E) Golf courses and country clubs.
(F) Government buildings and structures; public or semi-public or private recreational buildings and neighborhood or community centers; public and private educational institutions limited to accredited preschool, elementary, middle, high schools, or colleges and other institutions of higher learning having a regular course of study accredited by the State of Minnesota provided that the required side yard setback shall be a minimum 30 feet.
(G) Home occupations (Type II) as regulated by Chapter 206 (Home Occupations) of this title.
(H) Planned unit developments as regulated by Chapter 217 (Planned Unit Developments) of this title.
(I) Religious institutions such as churches, chapels, temples, and synagogues.
(J) Social services or other activities which are not directly worship related as an accessory use within a religious institutional building(s).
(Ord. 2011-06-07A, passed 6-7-2011)
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