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  • In addition to other uses specifically identified elsewhere in this title, the following are conditional uses allowed in the RR Rural Residential District by the issuance of a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 196 (Conditional Use Permits) of this title.
    (A) Amateur radio service antennas and towers, single satellite dish TVRO’s greater than 1 meter and less than 3 meters in diameter and personal wireless service antennas as regulated by Chapter 214 (Towers, Antennas and Telecommunication Facilities) of this title.
    (B) Animal kennels as a secondary use provided that:
    (1) No animals shall be kept outside the building or be otherwise located so as to cause offensive odors discernible at the property line of lot on which the animals are kept; and
    (2) The building in which animals are kept shall be at least 100 feet from the nearest property line.
    (C) Cemeteries or memorial gardens provided that:
    (1) The use is public or semipublic; and
    (2) The use meets the minimum setback requirements for principal structures.
    (D) Commercial stables and riding academies.
    (E) Essential services involving transmission pipelines (i.e., pipelines not required for local distributing network), and overhead transmission and substation lines in excess of 33 kV and up to 100 kV, as regulated by § 205.05 (Essential Services) of this title.
    (F) Farm and hobby farm buildings for the keeping of farm animals that are located within 300 feet of an existing residence on an abutting property or residential platted lot not under the same ownership as the parcel on which said buildings are constructed.
    (G) Golf courses and country clubs.
    (H) Governmental buildings and structures necessary for the health, safety, and general welfare of the city, including utility substations, provided that equipment is completely enclosed in a permanent structure with no outside storage provided that:
    (1) No utility substation structure shall be located within 200 feet of any residential zoned district.
    (2) Screening and landscaping shall be installed and maintained along all public right-of-ways and along all lot lines adjacent to a residentially zoned district according to § 213.04 (Required Screening and Landscaping) of this title.
    (3) All service drives shall be paved.
    (4) The required side yard setback shall be a minimum 30 feet.
    (I) Home occupations (Type II) as regulated by Chapter 206 (Home Occupations) of this title.
    (J) Noncommercial wind energy conversion systems as regulated by § 215.02 (Wind Energy Conversion Systems “WECS”) of this title.
    (K) Planned unit developments as regulated by Chapter 217 (Planned Unit Developments) of this title.
    (L) Pole construction buildings.
    (M) Wind energy conversion systems (WECS), commercial and noncommercial, provided that:
    (1) All requirements of § 215.02 (Wind Energy Conversion Systems “WECS”) of this title are satisfied.
    (2) Commercial wind energy conversion systems are located on lots at least 10 acres in area.
    (3) Noncommercial wind energy conversion systems are located on lots at least two and one-half acres in area.
    (Ord. 2011-06-07A, passed 6-7-2011)