Lot Area | 40 acres | 10 acres | Interior lot: 5,000 sq ft Corner lot: 6,500 sq ft | Interior lot: 12,000 sq ft Corner lot: 15,000 sq ft | Single-family interior lot: 8,400 sq ft Single-family corner lot: 10,200 sq ft Two-family interior lot: 9,600 sq ft | Base lot: 15,000 sq ft Two-Family and townhome unit lots: The following minimum unit lot requirements shall be applied to the subdivision of two-family dwellings or townhomes to permit individual private ownership of a single dwelling within such a structure: 1. Lot Area: Two-family or townhome unit lots shall have sufficient lot area to include the living area, garages, decks, patios, or porches of the individual dwelling units | None | 20,000 sq ft | 30,000 sq ft | Parks, playgrounds, play fields, trails, and open space: None All other uses: 20,000 sq ft |
Lot Width | 660 feet | 330 feet | Interior lot: 50 feet Corner lot: 65 feet | Interior lot: 80 feet Corner lot: 100 feet | Single-family interior lot: 70 feet Single-family corner lot: 85 feet Two-family interior lot: 80 feet Two-family corner lot: 95 feet | 100 feet | None | 100 feet | 150 feet | Parks, playgrounds, play fields, trails, and open space: None All other uses: 100 feet |
Lot Depth | 660 feet | 330 feet | 100 feet | 150 feet | 125 feet | 100 feet | None | 100 feet | 150 feet | Parks, playgrounds, play fields, trails, and open space: None All other uses: 100 feet |
Front Yard Setback | 30 feet | 30 feet | 20 feet | 30 feet | 25 feet | 30 feet to curb on private streets or 20 feet to ROW | None | 30 feet | 40 feet | 30 feet |
Rear Yard Setback | 30 feet | 30 feet | 20 feet | 30 feet | 25 feet | 20 feet or the height of the building whichever is greater | 15 feet | 30 feet | 30 feet | Parks, playgrounds, play fields, trails, and open space: 10 feet (buildings only) All other uses & buildings: 30 feet |
Side Yard Setback | 20 feet | 20 feet | 5 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | None | 20 feet | 20 feet | 10 feet |
Side Yard Setback Corner Lot | 30 feet | 30 feet | 20 feet | 30 feet | 25 feet | 30 feet feet to curb on private streets or 20 feet to ROW | None | 20 feet | 40 feet | 30 feet |
Residential District Setback | - | | | | | | 30 feet | 50 feet | 50 feet | Parks, playgrounds, play fields, trails, and open space: 30 feet (buildings only) All other uses & buildings: 40 feet |
Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage | None | None | 40% | 30% | 35% | 45% | None | 75% | 75% | Parks, playgrounds, play fields, trails, and open space: None All other uses: 75% |
Maximum Height | 3 stories or 35 feet, whichever is less | 2 ½ stories or 35 feet, whichever is less | 2 ½ stories or 35 feet, whichever is less | 2 ½ stories or 35 feet, whichever is less | 2 ½ stories or 35 feet, whichever is less | 3 stories or 40 feet, whichever is less | 3 stories or 40 feet, whichever is less | 3 stories or 40 feet, whichever is less | 3 stories or 40 feet, whichever is less | None |
Detached Accessory Structures |
Front Yard Setback | 30 feet | 30 feet | 20 feet | 30 feet | 25 feet | 30 feet to curb on private streets or 20 feet to ROW | None | 30 feet | 40 feet | 30 feet |
Rear Yard Setback | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | None | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet |
Rear Yard Setback - Detached private garage with direct vehicle access to a public street | 30 feet | 30 feet | 25 feet | 25 feet | 25 feet | 25 feet | - | - | - | - |
Side Yard Setback | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet |
Side Yard Setback Corner Lot | 30 feet | 30 feet | 20 feet | 30 feet | 25 feet | 30 feet to curb on private streets or 20 feet to ROW | None | 30 feet | 40 feet | 30 feet |
Side Yard Setback Corner Lot-Detached private garage with direct vehicle access to a public street | 30 feet | 30 feet | 25 feet | 25 feet | 25 feet | 25 feet | - | - | - | - |
Height | 15 feet except detached accessory buildings other than garages may be 20 feet. Agricultural buildings on farm properties are exempt. | 15 feet except detached accessory buildings other than garages may be 20 feet. Agricultural buildings on farm properties are exempt. | 15 feet | 15 feet | 15 feet | 15 feet | 20 feet except buildings and structures accessory to public and semi- public uses may exceed 20 feet with the issuance of a CUP | 20 feet except buildings and structures accessory to public and semi-publi c uses may exceed 20 feet with the issuance of a CUP | 20 feet except buildings and structures accessory to public and semi-publi c uses may exceed 20 feet with the issuance of a CUP | 20 feet except buildings and structures accessory to public and semi-public uses may exceed 20 feet with the issuance of a CUP |
NOTE: Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage in the shoreland areas of the city shall be 25%. |