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  • (A) In furtherance of the goals of the city and within the framework of the Act and state law, the city will give due consideration to the City’s Comprehensive Plan, zoning districts, existing land uses, and environmentally sensitive areas in approving sites for the location of towers, antennas, and related facilities. Specifically, the purposes of this section are:
    (1) To provide for wireless telecommunication services for the residents and businesses of the city.
    (2) To minimize adverse visual impacts of towers, antennas, and facilities through design, siting, landscaping, and innovative camouflaging techniques.
    (3) To promote and encourage shared use and collocation of towers and antenna support structures so as to reduce the number of towers needed to serve the area.
    (4) To avoid damage to adjacent properties caused by telecommunication towers, antennas and facilities by ensuring that those structures are soundly and carefully designed, constructed, modified, maintained, and promptly removed when no longer used or when determined to be structurally unsound.
    (Ord. 2011-06-07A, passed 6-7-2011)