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- The number of required off-street loading areas shall be as follows:(A) Customer drop off spaces. Customer drop off spaces shall not constitute off-street loading spaces as may be required by § 211.02(B) (Number of Loading Areas Required) of this title.(B) Number of loading spaces required. The number of required off-street loading area spaces shall be as follows:(1) Residential uses.UseRequired Number of Loading Spaces(a) Single-family, two-family and townhouse dwellingsNone(b) Multiple-family dwellings:1. Less than 4 dwelling unitsNone2. 4 to 24 dwelling units13. For each additional 24 dwelling units over 241(2) Nonresidential uses.Gross Floor Area (Square Feet)Required Number of Loading SpacesLess than 25,000125,001 to 50,000250,001 to 75,000375,001 to 100,0004For each additional 50,000 over 100,0001(C) Reduction in spaces. Reductions to the number of loading spaces required by § 211.02(B) (Number of Loading Areas Required) of this title, may be granted by administrative permit upon determination of facility need.(Ord. 2011-06-07A, passed 6-7-2011)