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  • (A) B-1 Downtown Business District. Within the B-1 Downtown Business District, on-street parking stalls directly abutting a parcel may be counted in satisfaction of the number of spaces required pursuant to § 210.08 (Number of Spaces Required) of this title.
    (B) Development and uses. Within the B-1 Downtown Business District, the city may approve development and uses which do not comply with the required number of parking spaces as an administrative permit, provided that:
    (1) A site performance agreement running with the land is completed in which it is agreed that the property in question is financially responsible for its proportionate share of the city sponsored and provided parking space construction, maintenance, and parking site acquisition for new on-street and lot parking. Said responsibility shall be determined on the basis of the property’s parking space shortage based upon ordinance requirements, in relationship to the total parking space shortage, as defined by § 210.08 (Number of Spaces Required) of this title for a defined service and benefit area. The “service and benefit area” shall include all properties which benefit from the available public parking serving a particular retail and commercial neighborhood or district.
    (2) The amount of parking provided on the property in question is the maximum amount possible, taking into account the use and design objectives of the B-1 Downtown Business District, as outlined by this title and the comprehensive plan.
    (3) The parking shortages created by the development are not premature or in excess of the supply which can be provided by the city through a public parking system on a long term basis.
    (C) Exception. Except as provided for by § 210.11(B) (B-1 Downtown Business District Parking) of this title, no deferment of required parking may be granted for parcels within the B-1 Downtown Business District.
    (Ord. 2011-06-07A, passed 6-7-2011)