§ 112.05. PUBLIC DANCES.  

Latest version.
  • (A) The state law governs. All dances held in this city hereafter shall be conducted in accordance with state law, regulating the conduct of dances as heretofore or hereafter amended. The definitions of terms in the first section of the act are hereby adopted, except that the term “public dance” shall be taken to apply to any place in which dancing may be or is carried on, other than a private residence; and the term “public dance” shall be taken to apply to every dance held in a public dancing place, whether an admission fee is charged or not.
    (B) License required. No person shall conduct a public dance in this city unless a license shall have been procured therefore from the City Council.
    (C) Fee. The license fee shall be as set forth in the city fee schedule.
    (D) Application. Any person or persons desiring a permit to hold or conduct a public dance in the city shall make application therefor on blanks furnished by the Clerk. The application shall set forth the name and address of the person, persons, committee or organization which is to conduct the dance; time and place where the dance is to be held, and the area of the dance floor. The application shall also show affirmatively that each of the applicants is a person of good moral character and reputation in the community in which he or she lives, and that none of the applicants has been convicted of a felony, gross misdemeanor, or of violating any ordinance or law regulating dances any place in the United States. The City Council shall issue the license if in his or her opinion the public health or safety will not suffer therefrom. In case the license be issued, the same shall be posted in a public place in the dance hall described therein during the time the dance is being given, and the persons named in the license shall be responsible under the law for the manner in which the dance is to be held and conducted.
    (E) Police protection required. It shall be a condition of any permit issued under this section that the applicant shall provide at his or her own expense policing of the immediate and surrounding area of the building or area in or upon which the dance is held. The failure to provide the policing shall constitute grounds for the immediate revocation of the license.
    (Prior Code, § 303.05)